Saturday, November 22, 2008

winter is here

Yesterday we had out third snowfall for November. We received about 4-6 inches, enough to go sledding. Even with the blustery wind and swirling snow it was fun. Everyone took turns sliding down the hill until their cheeks were as red as Santa's and hot cocoa was on every one's mind. I took pictures but something was wrong with the file so I cannot post them. It finally stopped snowing around 4:00pm and after several times of going outside the kids were ready to enjoy some indoor games. By the evening we were all tired (them from playing and me from trying to pick up after their many games) the house was sufficiently destroyed and they were ready for sleep. This morning we woke up to a beautiful day. The sky was such a beautiful shade of blue against the starkness of the white snow, it was breathtaking. We bundled up and headed outside to check out which animal's had been around the house. We found that a baby deer had been their with the mama within a foot from our back door. We also found many other tracks that I could not identify in the rush of finding so many. I thought our dog Scooby was going to explode from all the excitement. He loves to search out the animals, but is not allowed to as he is in the house and cannot escape to do his bidding. I then took the girls sliding down hill and today I was able to get some pictures. They enjoyed today better than yesterday as it was sunny and warmer today. Catbird (our little princess) is the type of sledder to bail out when she gets scared. But the wee princess (soon to be 2) is not scared in the least and laughs all the way down, then gets up and proceeds to try to drag the sled back uphill. She gives up soon and insists on being carried which is what wears me out the quickest. We had a lot of fun though. I then decided it was time to go in and decided to bring in the wood since I was already dressed. Wee princess and Catbird decided to join in. They enjoy helping out. We then went in and undressed and they decided it was lunchtime. We saw our friendly male cardinal at our feeder so I grabbed my camera and took his picture before he flew away. Here are the pictures of what I could capture.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Shots and shopping

Today was spent with school being delayed which caused me to have to contact the doctor's office and change my appt. for my biggest princess. This enabled me to drop the others off at school and proceed to the doctors with the oldest and youngest in tow. We occupied our time that we had to wait in the examining room by taking pictures with my phone. Unfortunately, I cannot post them here as I do not have that capability. This is to bad because I got some really cute ones. We then spent the rest of the day shopping, or in my case looking and reigning in a soon to be 2yr old while my oldest spent her gift card $ that her aunt gave her. We then took more pic's in Claire's of the big sunglasses on each other which were hilarious on wee princess. I had to make her leave the store she liked them so much. We then went to the library and the big princess proceeded to take out every book know to mankind. Not kidding here, the stack was over her head! Then we picked up the kids from school and went to the park since it was such a warm day (I am kidding here about the warm as we still had snow patches which meant snow ball fights) and I chased everyone around and locked them up in my pretend dungeon. I was chasing my oldest princess when all of a sudden she stopped dead in her tracks and looked mortified. I stopped wondering what in the world was happening. She immediately began walking away slowly and trying to look cool. It was then that I realized that a school bus was stopped right by the playground. Definitely NOT cool to be seen playing a game of dungeon tag with your mom by your fellow 8th graders! But as soon as the bus left and was down the street, we were off again with our game. We soon left and headed for home. Back at the ranch we heated up the frigid house and spent the next hour doing homework, eating, family devotions, then the wee one played the CD player as loud as she could while we cleaned up the kitchen. Here as the picture of wee mix a lot and her groovin peep's.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Snow Day

Today was a snow day so no school which caused much excitement. Starting with the prince wanting to go outside and play in the snow at 7:30am! Needless to say I held him off until 9:30. He would stay outside all day if allowed. Before lunch I bundled up the little princesses and headed outside to slide down hill. I showed them the proper technique for sliding and away they went. I then forgot my age and decided to try my famous run and jump, land full body on the slide while careening down the hill at a very high speed. Needless to say I realized my age when I got to the bottom. We all had fun.

Here is the Little Princess in her snow attire.

We then came back in for some warm lunch and a rousing game of Monopoly with the wee princess throwing our money, moving our playing pieces, and trying to eat the dice. We decided to retire until nap time for the wee one. The rest of the day was spent playing with trains, more outside play which involved plowing roads in the snow on the trampoline with toy tractors, and then coming inside and running around like crazed animals chasing each other. Unfortunately the snow is already melting so no more sliding. We did check cousins blog and here is a picture of the Prince's reaction to Tristan going hunting. The Little Princess had to get join in the fun. The Prince said to tell Tristan that this is what he is gonna get next week for going hunting without him! ;)