Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Our Time Together

We have been going strong in our homeschooling and our extra curricular activities. My youngest has decided that SHE needs to do schoolwork too, so we have gotten some books and she has been attending school with us in the mornings. The other morning during our devotion time my son put his chair next to her and was showing her where to find the scripture we were looking for and then read it with her with her saying the words out loud after him. It was so precious.

He is such a great big brother! I tell my kids that I gave them the best gift I could give them and that is their siblings. They really do get along very well with only occasional gripes. I hope it continues on through the years. I know that my sister is one of my very best friends! Love ya Sis!

Then we decided that the weather was to nice to sit indoors so we took our lessons outside and then decided to construct a Tee Pee in our yard since we were studying Native Americans in history. This is the outcome of the kids hard work. They gathered the wood for the frame, measured it, and then my son cut it to length. They then tied it together at the top and used pine branches in lieu of buffalo skin for the covering. We were going to use a tarp, but a friend of mine suggested the pine tree branches and we thought it was a great idea. Thanks Melissa! :) It is still up and the girls are having a lot of fun playing house in it.

The next day the girls decided to play dress up while I was doing laundry. They used my garden hat and my sunglasses along with some other stuff they found lying about. They were adorable in their outfits so I had to grab the camera and take their pics.

Here is my 7yr old who started the dress up game. She said she was a movie star. ;)

My 3yr old then wanted to wear the hat and sunglasses and became fussy when her sister would not give them to her right away. This is the face she was making when when she finally got the hat and sunglasses.

Then she made THIS face and told me to take her pic. What a crazy girl!

And of course what would my blog be without the football talk. My son had another game this past Saturday and they won! At least the weather was nice for their victory!

He has a very important game coming up where his team will play on ASU's field. He is very excited and is hoping that his daddy will be able to come home to watch him. I think he is going to explode with excitement before the game day arrives. :)

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